Dust Devil, a Poem by Mary Sue Barnett

Hilda and Christy,
What does heaven
say about your pain, your cries, your violent end?

A maniacal energy
trapped you
sucked you
into a wild frenzy
of femicidal lust

They stole your consciousness
you could not see
nor walk
they stole
your joy
you could not dance
nor laugh
they stole
you from your
very breathing
so you could never
say tomorrow

Evil seized you
into its grip
the beasts clawing
at your existence
thrusting you into
a desert of
no chance

Love, altogether absent

The femicidal
dust devil
spit you out
onto the pavement
alone in the night
your light diminished
passing away

With the force
of ocean waves
pounding ancient
cliffs and boulders
heaven cries
tears for you
Hilda and Christy
you and your sisters stolen by violent men
open the windows
of paradise to
cry your holy tears
upon your earthen
bodies that once were and upon your soft skin as you remember it
and upon the dust
to calm its frenzy
and upon the desert of violence to love the evil out of existence

You and your sisters in your
bodies of light
sing in unison across the realms through your windows of
joy onto all pavements of terror
in a haunting,
sacred tone
Rise and Heal
Love is Near

– Mary Sue Barnett

To Mother the World, a Poem by Mary Sue Barnett

To Mother the world
the Voice says, sounding
At once as the roar
Of a rogue wave
And as the silence of
disappearing fog
It’s a sacred call
And the Voice repeats
To Mother the world
Do you hear it?
Echoing yet again
From Earth to distant skies
So that the unmoved
Be moved
To Mother the world
Says the Voice
Is the purpose
Of the heart
The heart! The heart!
A lotus of a thousand petals
A crown of thorns
A sea of love
Is the heart
With which to
Mother the world
Yes, yes!
The heart! The heart!
Says the Voice
Pushing passion into existence
The waters of the heart
To break for another who is in danger
The wounds of the heart
To expand for another who is traumatized
The beat of the heart
To sing for another who is lonely
The flower of the heart
To open for another who is anguished
The blood of the heart
To flow with presence for another who is dying
To Mother the world
Says the Voice
As if the heart itself
Is the very purpose
Of the world
To risk the wounded,
Whole heart
For another and another
Is the reason to keep breathing
Bleeding, expanding,
And singing
All the while as if
being carried and protected
in the womb
Of a mysterious Voice,
Presence, that roars
and disappears
At once
Do you hear it?

– Mary Sue Barnett